
My head might be bloody but it’ll stay unbowed

And my voice will be carried on the back of clouds

And the rain’ll tell the world that I took a vow

Never to be silent. I walk alone in the crowd.


A life is not a life. It’s just a weapon of war

Cheaper than the junk sold at a dollar store

Every second of your life scripted by the press-corps

And the new world motto is “We just want more.”


A life is not a life, it’s just another statistic

Born be bartered, alive to be twisted

You have no value unless you’ve been conscripted

Expiry dates are ready, stamped, sealed and listed.


The 11th of September Nineteen Seventy Three,

Why was Popular Unity replaced in Chile,

Imported dictatorships killed Democracy

Why were Chilean Companies owned by ITT?


The 11th of September two thousand and one

And Power still flows from the barrel of a gun

We conjure enemies. Armageddon has begun

Green is the new threat and the Red is undone.


The spark was in Tunisia, now the fire’s in Wall Street

Every heart is Tahrir. Can you hear the drumbeat?

The counter-revolutionaries dance offbeat

And the underground rebels hide like mesquite.


People rise up but the markets push them down

And Gentrification changes whole towns

Inconvenient revolutions need be shut down

Cos the one per cent can’t afford meltdown.


The weapons industry is manufacturing wars

Dumping toxic waste by the ocean shore

The rot has set in and it’s eating at the core

But we’ll do nothing. We’ve seen it all before.


The dreams of progress and the illusions of hope

Gift wrapped and delivered. They’re the modern day dope

Our children live on vouchers. Single mothers can’t cope

And then they tell us; keep the banks afloat!


The clash of civilisations that’s a ticking time bomb

And the Wolfowitz doctrine is the ultimate con

From Baghdad to Caracas, from Kabul to Freetown

Everybody raise your voices and let’s sing this song.


Our heads might be bloody but they’ll stay unbowed

And our voices will be carried on the back of clouds

And the rain’ll tell the world that they took a vow

Never to be silent. We walk alone in the crowd.


Master and Man